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EU Mandatory Disclosure Rules pageor contact the following: Raluca Enache. Director. KPMG’s EU Tax Centre. Enache.Raluca@kpmg.com.

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45 968. 57. 19. Ernst & Young. 36 113. 26 212. 62 325.

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2018-10-10 2019-09-30 KPMG proposes a workshop approach to agree on the right solutions for EU MDR compliance 3 | How KPMG supports the MDR transition Module 1: Introduction Module 2: Breakout Module 3: Project planning and Wrap-up es Introduction & alignment on workshop goals Understand background & receive KPMG global EU MDR input Understand the work streams DAC 6 –Mandatory Disclosure Rules –Are you ready? Webinar 8 May 2020 The Race to EU MDR Compliance Continues - Full Results Despite progress over the past year, medical device companies are still facing many questions, according to annual KPMG/RAPS survey. With less than one year until May 2020, the Medical Device industry is still grappling with achieving MDR … KPMG LLP 781-856-8176 rkmisra@kpmg.com Christopher Mauch Manager, Advisory KPMG LLP 312-877-3986 cmauch@kpmg.com Contact us KPMG insight Service What we do What you get MDR Readiness Checklist Assess the remaining gaps and areas of risk prior to the May 2021 DoA Understanding of where you stand against the MDR requirements as May 2021 approaches to EU MDR compliance KPMG/RAPS survey illustrates the ground medical device companies still have to cover kpmg.com.

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Somos 200 Socios y más de 3,000 profesionales en 17 oficinas ubicadas alrededor del país, para ofrecer servicios de auditoría, Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client services. No member firm has any authority to obligate or bind KPMG International or any other member firm vis -à-vis third parties, nor does You will not continue to receive KPMG subscriptions until you accept the changes. Continue Close Hi !

Mexico mdr kpmg

Med endast två månader kvar till att alla medlemsländer ska ha publicerat sin implementeringslagstiftning händer det mycket på MDR/DAC6-området. KPMG:s EU Tax Center och KPMG Global International Tax bjuder därför in till ett webcast om On November 18, 2020 amendments to the Mexican general tax rules (”GTR”) for 2020 were published in the Mexican Official Gazette which included, among others, a new Chapter 2.22 related to the mandatory reporting requirements (“MDR”) for certain transactions as established in the Mexican Federal Tax Code as part of the 2020 tax reform. Nya regler om rapporteringskrav inom skatteområdet – MDR/DAC6. DAC6-direktivet är det senaste EU-initiativet inom ramen för det administrativa samarbetet inom EU i fråga om beskattning.
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The MDR Directive must be transposed by Luxembourg by 31 December … KPMG Advisory services.


The MDR Directive must be transposed by Luxembourg by 31 December 2019 and will generally be applicable from 1 July 2020 onwards. However, retroactive application is foreseen.

57. 19. Ernst & Young. 36 113. 26 212.