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In Pakistan, the rupee is referred to as the 'rupees', 'rupaya' or NOK to PKR - Convert NOK to PKR online with ease. Simply insert the desired NOK amount in the relevant box placed on the left of Pakistani Rupees and get the converted PKR amount instantly. Find 1 Norwegians to PKR today currency exchange open market rates online. NOK to PKR rates for Open Market in shape of Graph or chart for historical data of your choice can be seen online in Pakistan live. You can convert Norwegian Krone to Pakistani Rupees and other currencies as per date range selected. 1 NOK = PKR 17,934: 31.03.21: onsdag: 1 NOK = PKR 17,849 Se mer vekslingskurs historikk for NOK/PKR Se mer vekslingskurs historikk for PKR/NOK.
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kr 1 PKR = 0.0537 NOK; 11 Mar 21: 1 PKR = 0.0536 NOK. Currency Converter Rupee to Norwegian Krone - PKR/NOK Invert 151.68 Norwegian Krones (NOK) in Pakistani Rupees (PKR) 1 year ago On March 19, 2020 151.68 Norwegian Krones were 2,023.28 Pakistani Rupees, because the NOK to PKR exchange rate 1 year ago was 1 NOK = 13.339152475513 PKR 1 PKR Pakistani Rupee to NOK Norwegian Krone The page provides the exchange rate of 1 Pakistani Rupee (PKR) to Norwegian Krone (NOK), sale and conversion rate. Moreover, we added the list of the most popular conversions for visualization and the history table with exchange rate diagram for 1 Pakistani Rupee (PKR) to Norwegian Krone (NOK) from Monday, 22/03/2021 till Monday, 15/03/2021. Convert 1,000 PKR to NOK with the TransferWise Currency Converter. Analyze historical currency charts or live Pakistani Rupee / Pakistani Rupee rates and get free rate alerts directly to your email.
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Here you will also find Norwegian Krone to Pakistan Rupees rates archives, forex news, forex dealers directory, gold rates, Pakistan prize bond results and lots more.
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Monthly NOK to PKR fluctuation during the last 30 days shows increase by PKR -0.5 and -2.75 in term of percentage, Yearly performance of Norwegians Krone to PKR difference shows 1 Norwegians Krone increase by PKR 1.6 and 9.97% in value.
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